This unit consists of four activities. Setup, Postcard, App structure and a few bricks. As an additional exercise you're going to be a debugger.


The video below will give you a first introduction to Pocket Code. It shows different examples of using Pocket Code in a school or educational situation.


Second Screen

Use a second screen, like your tablet or monitor to walk through the Tutorial and program at the same time.

Installation of Pocket Code and Pocket Paint

Search for Pocket Code in the Google Play Store or watch the following videos for more guidance. 

Pocket Code


In the next activity you get started with Pocket Code. You create your first program, an interactive postcard, using a guided walkthrough video.

During the creation of the postcard, the basics of Pocket Code that you need for your future projects are mediated. Watch the following video which shows you what kind of postcards you can create.


App structure

This activity is about the app structure of Pocket Code. Here you get familiar with the common screens of the app. 

This activity includes further explanation of the app structure of Pocket Code. At the beginning the different screens can be a little bit confusing. To clear this, watch the following video. It shows the structure and the screens of the app in relation to each other.

A few bricks

Now it's time for you first own program. In the fourth activity you can create a creative game, animation or story by using just a few bricks.


Stick together different brick combinations to create an interesting animation, game or story. You can use each brick, once, twice or as many times as you want, but try to include every brick at least one time. Of course you can use the "When program started" brick if you want. What will you create?

Tasks for this activity:

  1. Create a program by using these few bricks.
  2. Have a look at the brick docu here
  3. Upload your program.

Be a debugger

As an exercise, you're going to be a debugger in the last activity of this unit. In some projects, small errors have crept in. Find these bugs! Watch the video and go through this activity!

Tasks for this activity:

  1. Watch the video above.
  2. Download these programs and search for the bug:
  3. Download one program after another and try to fix them. The requested behaviour is written in the program description of each program. Be fair and solve the bug before you look at the solution: