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Stephan Robinig 1.2 1 (% class="box infomessage" %)
2 (((
Stephan Robinig 3.2 3 This brick plays the specified note for the specified ammount of beats. The duration of a beat depends on the tempo.
Stephan Robinig 1.2 4
Stephan Robinig 3.2 5 [[image:Play_note_for_beats.png||alt="set-pause-fo-brick.png"]]
Stephan Robinig 1.2 6 )))
8 (% class="box" %)
9 (((
10 **Correlates with this brick:**
Stephan Robinig 3.2 12 [[image:Set_tempo_to.png]]
Stephan Robinig 1.2 13
14 [[Learn more ~>~>>>doc:Documentation.BrickDocumentation.BroadcastWaitBrick.WebHome]]
15 )))
17 (% class="row" %)
18 (((
19 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
20 (((
21 (% class="box" %)
22 (((
23 ==== **Example** ====
Stephan Robinig 3.2 25 This example first saves different notes into a list.
admin 12.1 26 When the panda is tapped the saved notes will be played for one beat one after another, while there is a pause of two beats between the notes.[[image:Play_note_for_beats_example_1.png||alt="Musiknote_abspielen_für_schläge_Beispiel.png"]]
27 [[image:Play_note_for_beats_example_2.png]]
Stephan Robinig 1.2 28
30 )))
31 )))
33 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
34 (((
35 (% class="box" %)
36 (((
37 ==== **Result** ====
Stephan Robinig 3.2 39 [[[[image:Documentation.BrickDocumentation.BroadcastBrick.WebHome@null4.png||alt="Download"]]>>https://share.catrob.at/pocketcode/project/6b2c886b-2b7e-11ec-af47-005056a36f47]]
Stephan Robinig 1.2 40
Stephan Robinig 3.2 41 [[image:Documentation.BrickDocumentation.PauseForBeatsBrick.WebHome@sound.gif]]
Stephan Robinig 1.2 43
44 )))
45 )))
46 )))