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dvd48 9.1 1 (% class="box infomessage" %)
2 (((
3 **Select the brick you want to find out more about!**
Stephan Robinig 19.2 5 //These special bricks let you control the [[Raspberry Pi Plattform>>https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raspberry_Pi]]. Information on how to set up and connect to the Raspberry Pi can be found [[here>>doc:.Connecting to the Pi.WebHome]].
6 Information on the Raspberry Pi Pinout can be found [[here>>https://pinout.xyz/#]].//
dvd48 9.1 7 )))
9 (% class="row" %)
10 (((
11 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
12 (((
13 (% class="box text-right" %)
14 (((
Stephan Robinig 18.2 15 [[[[image:when-raspberry-pi.png]]>>doc:Documentation.BrickDocumentation.WhenRaspiPinChangedBrick.WebHome]]
dvd48 14.1 16 [[Learn more ~>~>>>doc:Documentation.BrickDocumentation.WhenRaspiPinChangedBrick.WebHome]]
dvd48 9.1 17 )))
18 )))
20 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
21 (((
22 (% class="box text-right" %)
23 (((
Stephan Robinig 18.2 24 [[[[image:if-raspberry-pi-pin.png]]>>doc:Documentation.BrickDocumentation.RaspiIfLogicBeginBrick.WebHome]]
dvd48 11.1 25 [[Learn more ~>~>>>doc:Documentation.BrickDocumentation.RaspiIfLogicBeginBrick.WebHome]]
dvd48 9.1 26 )))
27 )))
28 )))
30 (% class="row" %)
31 (((
32 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
33 (((
34 (% class="box text-right" %)
35 (((
Stephan Robinig 18.2 36 [[[[image:set-raspberry-pi-pin.png]]>>doc:Documentation.BrickDocumentation.RaspiSendDigitalValueBrick.WebHome]]
dvd48 13.1 37 [[Learn more ~>~>>>doc:Documentation.BrickDocumentation.RaspiSendDigitalValueBrick.WebHome]]
dvd48 9.1 38 )))
39 )))
41 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
42 (((
43 (% class="box text-right" %)
44 (((
Stephan Robinig 18.2 45 [[[[image:set-raspberry-pi-pin-PWM.png]]>>doc:Documentation.BrickDocumentation.RaspiPwmBrick.WebHome]]
dvd48 12.1 46 [[Learn more ~>~>>>doc:Documentation.BrickDocumentation.RaspiPwmBrick.WebHome]]
dvd48 9.1 47 )))
48 )))
49 )))