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1 (% class="box infomessage" %)
2 (((
3 **Your Bricks** allows you to create your own user-defined bricks. Like regular bricks you can give them arguments as input.
4 Once defined **Your Bricks **allow you to create complex functions, which can be used in a single brick.
5 )))
7 (% class="row" %)
8 (((
9 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
10 (((
11 (% class="box" %)
12 (((
13 (% style="text-align:left" %)
14 **How to create your bricks**
16 (% style="text-align:left" %)
17 In the **Your Bricks **section you can defien your own bricks. You can add multiple different label and input fields.
19 (% style="text-align:left" %)
20 **Examples**
22 (% style="text-align:left" %)
23 **Your Bricks **can be used to create a variety of creative and complex functions
25 (% style="text-align:left" %)
26 If you want to learn more about **your bricks** and how to use them, you can do so by checking out some examples.
27 [[Learn more ~>~>>>doc:.Your Brick Examples.WebHome]]
28 )))
29 )))
31 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
32 (((
33 (% class="box" %)
34 (((
35 (% style="text-align:left" %)
36 **Create Your Bricks**
38 (% style="text-align:left" %)
39 [[image:create_your_brick.gif]]
40 )))
41 )))
42 )))