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1 = General objects =
3 |transparency|Gives you the transparency of the object, for example use the 'change transparency by' brick and then control the transparency with an ' true then' brick.
4 |brightness|Gives you the brightness of the object, for example use the 'change brightness by' brick and then control the brightness with an ' true then' brick.
5 |colour|Gives you the color of the object, for example use the 'set colour to' brick and then check the color with an ' true then' brick.
6 |look number|Every object has a look number, look number 1 is the first look and look number 2 is the second and so on.
7 |look name|Every object also has a look name, every time you insert a new look to an object you give it a look name.
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11 = Motion objects =
13 |position_x|Gives the current position_x of the object
14 |position_y|Gives the current position_y of the object
15 |size|Check the current size of the object
16 |direction|Gives the direction of the object, combine it with the 'Point in direction' brick and for example the if...then' brick
17 |layer|Provides the actual layer of the object
18 |touches actor or object|Gives a true when the object touches actors or an other object
19 |touches edge|Gives a true when the object touches edge
20 |touches finger|Gives a true when the object touches a finger
21 |x velocity|Gives the current velocity in x-direction
22 |y velocity|Gives the current velocity in y-direction
23 |angular velocity|Gives the current angular velocity