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dvd48 30.1 1 (% class="row" %)
2 (((
admin 104.2 3 (% style="text-align:center" class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
dvd48 30.1 4 (((
dvd48 64.1 5 (% style="text-align:center" %)
dvd48 82.1 6 [[image:v2_education.png||alt="education.png" class="img-rounded"]]
annaUx 32.1 7 )))
9 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
10 (((
11 {{box title="**Content**"}}
dvd48 26.1 12 {{toc /}}
13 {{/box}}
dvd48 30.1 14 )))
annaUx 33.1 15 )))
admin 1.1 16
dvd48 26.1 17 (% class="box infomessage" %)
18 (((
0x08 104.1 19 This site provides resources and experiences around the educational use of [[Pocket Code>>https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.catrobat.catroid&hl=de_AT]]. Pocket Code is an app for smartphones and tablets. It allows you to develop games, create animations and so much more directly on your mobile device by simply sticking bricks together.
dvd48 26.1 20 )))
admin 1.1 21
dvd48 26.1 22 (% class="row" %)
23 (((
24 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
25 (((
26 (% class="box" %)
27 (((
Michael Jagoutz 101.1 28 = Code'n'Stitch Project* =
admin 1.1 29
0x08 104.1 30 The programming apps from Catrobat offer many possibilities to express yourself creatively by creating your own apps, games, music videos, or animations with different building blocks, extensions, and characters. The tools have been used in art classes, physics, and computer science across various projects.
vesna 16.1 31
dvd48 51.1 32 (% style="text-align:center" %)
admin 104.2 33 [[[[image:final_logo-cns_mint-lila.png||alt="CodeNStitch" width="171"]]>>doc:.CodeNStitch.WebHome]]
dvd48 51.1 34
vesna 24.1 35 By extending the Pocket Code, Create@School, and Luna & Cat apps with the possibility to program an embroidery machine, they can be used very well for handicraft lessons and combine textile works with concepts of programming. In this way, self-created patterns and designs can be stitched on t-shirts, pants, or even bags.
vesna 23.1 36
dvd48 26.1 37 With a focus on gender-sensitive teaching and design, it is important to inspire girls, in particular, to try out different approaches to programming.
vesna 23.1 38
dvd48 56.2 39 [[Click here for more information ~>~>>>doc:.CodeNStitch.WebHome]]
dvd48 26.1 40 )))
41 )))
vesna 16.1 42
dvd48 26.1 43 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
44 (((
45 (% class="box" %)
46 (((
dvd48 50.1 47 = Embroidery =
vesna 15.1 48
dvd48 50.1 49 Have a look at our embroidery tutorials to create stunning designs for stitching machines! No borders are set to your fantasy!
admin 1.1 50
dvd48 50.1 51 (% style="text-align:center" %)
52 [[[[image:9d-3.PNG||queryString="width=186&height=188" width="186"]]>>doc:Education.Embroidery.WebHome]]
admin 1.1 53
dvd48 56.2 54 [[Follow the link to check it out ~>~>>>doc:.Embroidery.WebHome]]
dvd48 26.1 55 )))
56 )))
57 )))
admin 1.1 58
dvd48 26.1 59 (% class="row" %)
60 (((
61 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
62 (((
63 (% class="box" %)
64 (((
vesna 86.1 65 = Coded Embroidery =
vesna 76.1 66
0x08 104.1 67 Are you creative and like to create new designs? Would you like to learn programming in a playful way?
vesna 76.1 68
69 (% style="text-align:center" %)
admin 104.2 70 [[[[image:CodedEmbroidery.jpg||queryString="width=244&height=183" alt="1591092017807-316.png" width="311" class="img-rounded"]]>>doc:Education.CodedEmbroidery.WebHome]]
vesna 76.1 71
0x08 104.1 72 [[More info ~>~>>>doc:Education.CodedEmbroidery.WebHome]]
vesna 76.1 73 )))
74 )))
76 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
77 (((
78 (% class="box" %)
79 (((
dvd48 55.1 80 = Tinkering with your phone =
admin 1.1 81
Michael Jagoutz 99.1 82 Learn Pocket Code with our online course. Check out cool example programs that use all sort of sensors of your smartphone.
admin 11.1 83
dvd48 55.1 84 (% style="text-align:center" %)
admin 104.2 85 [[[[image:https://catrobatblog.files.wordpress.com/2017/08/tinkering_teaser.jpg?w=500&h=300||alt="tinkering_teaser" width="388" class="img-rounded"]]>>doc:Education.Tinkering With Your Phone.WebHome]]
dvd48 55.1 86
dvd48 58.1 87 [[Start now by clicking here ~>~>>>doc:Education.Tinkering With Your Phone.WebHome]]
dvd48 26.1 88 )))
89 )))
admin 105.1 90 )))
admin 11.1 91
admin 105.1 92 (% class="row" %)
93 (((
dvd48 26.1 94 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
95 (((
96 (% class="box" %)
97 (((
98 = Brick Documentation =
admin 11.1 99
0x08 104.1 100 With Pocket Code you can program just by sticking bricks together. It is very easy to learn programming in this way! Here you can find information about what each block does and where can you use it.
annaUx 14.1 101
dvd48 54.2 102 (% style="text-align:center" %)
admin 104.2 103 [[[[image:2048-1365-max.png||queryString="width=317" width="317" class="img-rounded"]]>>doc:Documentation.BrickDocumentation.WebHome]]
dvd48 54.2 104
0x08 104.1 105 [[More info ~>~>>>doc:Documentation.BrickDocumentation.WebHome]]
dvd48 26.1 106 )))
107 )))
annaUx 14.1 108
urakkatja 91.1 109 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
110 (((
111 (% class="box" %)
112 (((
113 = Templates for teachers =
annaUx 14.1 114
urakkatja 91.1 115 Would you like to explore programming and computer science concepts in your classes? Learn more about pocket code and find tutorials on how to use the application
117 (% style="text-align:center" %)
admin 104.2 118 [[[[image:teacher.jpg||queryString="width=247&height=154" width="374" class="img-rounded"]]>>doc:.Teachers.WebHome]]
urakkatja 91.1 119
120 [[Follow the link for more info ~>~>>>doc:.Teachers.WebHome]]
121 )))
122 )))
123 )))
dvd48 26.1 125 (% class="row" %)
126 (((
127 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
128 (((
129 (% class="box" %)
130 (((
0x08 104.1 131 = Pocket Code in the Classroom =
admin 1.1 132
0x08 104.1 133 See what teachers and students have to say about using Pocket Code in class.
admin 1.1 134
135 {{video url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75i10o_uv0U" height="300px"/}}
dvd48 82.1 137
vesna 86.1 138
vesna 89.1 139
urakkatja 91.1 140
dvd48 56.2 142 [[Click here for some interesting Pocket Code in Classroom Tutorials ~>~>>>doc:.Pocket Code in Classroom.WebHome]]
dvd48 26.1 143 )))
144 )))
admin 10.1 145
dvd48 26.1 146 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
147 (((
148 (% class="box" %)
149 (((
150 = Theory of Learning =
admin 11.1 151
vesna 77.1 152 This video shows our approach to how Pocket Code could be used in a constructive way of learning. What are the tasks of the teacher and the students in a learning environment with Pocket Code?
admin 13.1 153
dvd48 26.1 154 {{video url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_G5bdTyP_g" height="300px"/}}
urakkatja 91.1 155
dvd48 26.1 156 )))
157 )))
158 )))
dvd48 82.1 159
urakkatja 93.1 160 (% class="row" %)
161 (((
162 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
163 (((
164 (% class="box" %)
165 (((
Michael Jagoutz 100.1 166 = No One Left Behind* =
urakkatja 93.1 167
Michael Jagoutz 99.1 168 The ‘No One Left Behind’ project, co-funded by the EU Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, allows children to use a non-leisure gaming ‘toolkit’ to develop digital games on mobile devices – with the aim of enhancing their abilities across all academic subjects, as well as their logical reasoning, creativity and social skills.
urakkatja 93.1 169
urakkatja 94.2 170 [[[[image:nolb.png||queryString="width=171&height=171" alt="No One Left Behind Logo"]]>>doc:.No One Left Behind.WebHome]]
urakkatja 93.1 171
urakkatja 97.1 173 [[Click here for more information ~>~> >>doc:.No One Left Behind.WebHome]]
urakkatja 93.1 174 )))
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