How to set an icon and version in an application created on Pocket Code

Last modified by kamilazot on 2021/02/08 08:05

REMEMBER. Do everything on your Android device!

To set the icon and version in the application created for Pocket Code,
we must have the Apk Editor application:
Click to download
Next, we need to extract this file as it is in ZIP.
After extracting the file, click on ApkEditorPro.apk
Your phone or tablet may consider this file a virus. You need to allow the installation of this file (your phone is safe).
Remember, once you create an application in Pocket Code, send it to the Catrobat website (via the application).
Then we go to the subpage with the application. We click "Prepare the App". When the preparation is finished, click "Download App".
Then we will start downloading the file "(some numbers).apk"
Then we download the application you created.
Go to "Apk Editor Pro", press the button "Select Apk from Application" and look for your application (by name).
Click on it and press "Normal edit". At the top we have something like "Launcher Icon", and next to this weird icon.
Click on it and choose your own icon. If everything went well, our old icon will change to the new one.
Then, to change the version of the application, we search for "Version name" and enter the version we want (the default is 1.0).
When we are done, click "Save" at the very bottom. Then the word "I'm working" is displayed.
When we are done we have three tabs at the very bottom.
First, click "Delete", we will uninstall this application (it will be uninstalled because it is not edited).
Then click "Install" and the new version is installed.
At the end we can click "Close".
This is the end, it is not difficult emoticon_smile