Last modified by admin on 2023/10/27 09:02

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dvd48 3.1 1 (% class="box infomessage" %)
2 (((
dvd48 9.1 3 Simulates a single tap at a specified position of the touchscreen. This brick basically simulates your finger.
dvd48 3.1 4
dvd48 9.1 5 [[image:single-tap-brick.png]]
dvd48 3.1 6 )))
dvd48 9.1 7
8 (% class="row" %)
9 (((
10 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
11 (((
12 (% class="box" %)
13 (((
14 ==== **Example** ====
16 Activates the script when something is spoken. Then it asks for x and y values and taps at the specified position. This will let the pinguin print it self there.
admin 20.1 18 [[image:single-tap-example_1.png||alt="single-tap-example.png"]][[image:single-tap-example_2.png]]
dvd48 9.1 19 )))
20 )))
22 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
23 (((
24 (% class="box" %)
25 (((
26 ==== **Result** ====
28 [[[[image:null4.png||alt="Download"]]>>]]
dvd48 10.1 30 [[image:single-tap-example.gif]]
dvd48 9.1 31 )))
32 )))
33 )))