Hide last authors
Stella170101 24.1 1 (% class="row" %)
Stella170101 14.1 2 (((
Stella170101 73.1 3 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
Stella170101 24.1 4 (((
Stella170101 73.1 5 (% style="text-align:center" %)
dvd48 83.1 6 [[image:final_logo-cns_mint-lila.png||queryString="width=200" height="auto" width="200"]]
Stella170101 73.1 7 )))
9 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6" %)
10 (((
Stella170101 24.1 11 (% class="box" %)
12 (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 13 **Content:**
Stella170101 68.2 14
Stella170101 73.1 15 {{toc depth="2"/}}
Stella170101 14.1 16 )))
Stella170101 24.1 17 )))
18 )))
Stella170101 14.1 19
Stella170101 97.3 20 (% class="box infomessage" %)
21 (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 22 **Please note that this activity is currently limited to Android phones, but we are also working on an iOS version which will be released in the near future. In order to stitch your design on your clothes (or any other fabrics), you need access to a programmable embroidery machine. If you want to learn more about how to stitch your design, please read the [[Frequently Asked Questions>>doc:||anchor="HFrequentlyAskedQuestions"]] section.**
Stella170101 97.3 23 )))
Stella170101 14.1 25 (% class="row" %)
26 (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 27 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8" %)
Stella170101 14.1 28 (((
Stella170101 101.1 29 (% class="box" %)
30 (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 31 = **Programming and stitching** =
Stella170101 28.1 32
Stella170101 51.1 33
Veydzh3r 116.1 34 Have you ever wanted to be creative and learn to program in a playful way? Do you also like to create things that you can touch and admire in reality when they're ready-made?
Stella170101 28.1 35
Veydzh3r 116.1 36 With Embroidery Designer, a programming app for smartphones, you have got the perfect package. With the app you can, without any prior experience, program an embroidery machine, that will automatically embroider your design on a t-shirt, bag, gym bag or even on your shoes. Basically on everything that is made of fabric. Give free rein to your imagination and creativity.
Stella170101 28.1 37
Veydzh3r 116.1 38 In addition, there is the possibility to sew LEDs on your design and make it glow!
Stella170101 74.2 39
Veydzh3r 116.1 40 Are you curious and all of this applies to you?
Stella170101 28.1 41
Veydzh3r 116.1 42 Then grab your smartphone right away and download Embroidery Designer from the Play Store.
Stella170101 97.3 43
Veydzh3r 116.1 44 The Embroidery Designer is currently **only** available for **Android** phones. We are working very hard on an iOS version.
Stella170101 97.3 45
Veydzh3r 116.1 46 [[[[image:GooglePlay.png||queryString="width=200" height="auto" style="float:left" width="200"]]>>https://catrob.at/ED]]
Stella170101 24.1 47 )))
Stella170101 28.1 48 )))
Stella170101 24.1 49
Veydzh3r 116.1 50 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4" %)
Stella170101 14.1 51 (((
vesna 88.1 52 [[[[image:1.1.png||queryString="width=500" class="img-rounded" height="auto" width="500"]]>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Rainbow.WebHome]]
Stella170101 104.2 53
Veydzh3r 116.1 54 [[You can find the tutorial here ~>~>>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Rainbow.WebHome]]
Stella170101 24.1 55 )))
56 )))
Stella170101 14.1 57
Veydzh3r 116.1 58
Stella170101 24.1 59 (% class="row" %)
60 (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 61 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4" %)
Stella170101 97.5 62 (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 63 [[[[image:3.1.png||queryString="width=500" class="img-rounded"]]>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Paperplane.WebHome]]
Stella170101 97.5 64
Veydzh3r 116.1 65 [[You can find the tutorial here ~>~>>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Paperplane.WebHome]]
66 )))
Stella170101 97.5 67
Veydzh3r 116.1 68 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8" %)
Stella170101 97.5 69 (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 70 (% class="box" %)
Stella170101 97.5 71 (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 72 = **First steps** =
Stella170101 97.5 73
Veydzh3r 116.1 75 **You want to learn how to create your own designs?**
Stella170101 97.5 76
Veydzh3r 116.1 77 To learn how to create your own designs follow [[this link>>doc:.Create Your Own Design.WebHome]]. There you will find a step by step tutorial on how to start coding, additionally there will be two challenges to solve. At the end of the page you can find a HOW - TO - MY OWN DESIGN, which helps you designing and coding your own design.
Stella170101 97.5 78
Veydzh3r 116.1 80 **You want to teach coding embroidery designs at school?**
Stella170101 97.5 81
Veydzh3r 116.1 82 If you visit this page as a teacher look at our [[lesson plan>>doc:.Lesson Plan.WebHome]]. It provides 6 fully prepared 50min-lessons on how to teach programming embroidery designs.
Stella170101 104.2 83
Stella170101 24.1 84
Veydzh3r 116.1 85 **You have finished a project?**
Stella170101 34.1 86
Veydzh3r 116.1 87 If you finished a project look at the [[sitiching tips for professional projects>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Introduction To The World Of Embroidery.WebHome]], to make sure your design is programmed well. We also provided a short [[checklist for creating designs>>doc:||anchor="HChecklistEmbroideryTips"]] with the most important information.
Stella170101 104.1 88
Stella170101 51.1 89
Veydzh3r 116.1 90 **Want to let your design shine?**
Stella170101 34.1 91
Veydzh3r 116.1 92 After you have already programmed some projects and acquired some skills, take a look at the [[Special Embroidery Designs: Electronics to shine>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Special Embroidery Designs\: Electronics to shine.WebHome]]. There you learn how to sew LEDs onto your design, which makes your design even more awesome.
Stella170101 34.1 93
Veydzh3r 116.1 95 **You want to code preprogrammed designs?**
Stella170101 34.1 96
Veydzh3r 116.1 97 If you want to code already preprogrammed designs there are tutorials for complete designs too. Under [[Activities >>doc:||anchor="HActivities"]]you find 6 designs for the Hour of Code. Addtionally you can find some more designs [[here>>doc:Education.Embroidery.WebHome]].
Stella170101 75.1 98
Veydzh3r 116.1 99
Stella170101 14.1 100 )))
Stella170101 24.1 101 )))
Stella170101 34.1 102 )))
Stella170101 14.1 103
Stella170101 24.1 104 (% class="row" %)
Stella170101 14.1 105 (((
Stella170101 24.1 106 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8" %)
107 (((
Stella170101 101.1 108 (% class="box" %)
109 (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 110 >**I can do that too!**
Stella170101 50.2 111
Veydzh3r 116.1 112 Basically, if you click on designs that you like on this page, you are taken to the tutorial sites, which show you how you can code them yourself, directly.
Stella170101 50.2 113
Veydzh3r 116.1 114 >**That’s how I like it!**
Stella170101 50.2 115
Veydzh3r 116.1 116 The great thing is, that you can change and adapt the code as you like it, as you assess it being coolest. You can also choose the colours of your design yourself.
Stella170101 50.2 117
Veydzh3r 116.1 118 >**I can stitch!**
Stella170101 50.2 119
Veydzh3r 116.1 120 If you have little idea about embroidery itself, you can find information [[here>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Introduction To The World Of Embroidery.WebHome]]. Be sure to read it trough to understand what is happening.
Stella170101 14.1 121 )))
Stella170101 50.2 122 )))
Stella170101 24.1 123
124 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4" %)
125 (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 126 [[[[image:2.1.png||queryString="width=500" class="img-rounded"]]>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Bird Introduction.WebHome]]
Stella170101 104.2 127
Veydzh3r 116.1 128 [[You can find the tutorial here ~>~>>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Bird Introduction.WebHome]]
Stella170101 14.1 129 )))
Stella170101 24.1 130 )))
132 (% class="row" %)
133 (((
134 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4" %)
135 (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 136 [[[[image:4.1.png||queryString="width=500" class="img-rounded"]]>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Cat.WebHome]]
Stella170101 104.2 137
Veydzh3r 116.1 138 [[You can find the tutorial here ~>~>>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Cat.WebHome]]
Stella170101 24.1 139 )))
141 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8" %)
142 (((
Stella170101 101.1 143 (% class="box" %)
144 (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 145 = **What is possible?** =
Stella170101 50.2 146
Stella170101 104.1 147
Veydzh3r 116.1 148 Basically you can program **any design **you can imagine. However, the more complicated it is, the longer it will take. It is best to **start with simple designs**. After a while, you will notice, what is possible in a certain amount of time.
Stella170101 51.1 149
Stella170101 68.2 150
Veydzh3r 116.1 151 **Practice makes perfect!**
Stella170101 70.3 152
Veydzh3r 116.1 153 Of course, you will also get faster through practice! Do not get discouraged. It is only important that the pattern can be divided into geometrical forms! Otherwise, you will be overworked quickly. 😊
Stella170101 70.3 154
Veydzh3r 116.1 155
156 **Do you lack ideas?**
158 If you don't have that many ideas about what you could do, stick to the [[tutorials for finished patterns>>doc:Education.Embroidery.WebHome]] first and try programming them to see how it works.
Stella170101 24.1 159 )))
160 )))
Stella170101 50.2 161 )))
Stella170101 42.1 162
Veydzh3r 116.1 163 (% class="row" %)
164 (((
165 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12" %)
166 (((
167 (% class="box" %)
168 (((
169 = **Activities** =
Stella170101 42.1 170
Veydzh3r 116.1 171
172 === [[Design your own program>>https://wiki.catrobat.org/bin/view/Education/CodedEmbroidery/Create%20Your%20Own%20Design/]] ===
175 In this section, you can find six activities for code.org. Please note that each activity has a different level of difficulty. Start with the first activity, which is the easiest before proceeding with more difficult activities. It is highly recommended to read through this page, especially the [[First steps >>doc:||anchor="HFirststeps"]]section, before starting with the activities. Have fun and happy coding!
Stella170101 42.1 177 (% class="row" %)
178 (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 179 (% class="col-xs-6 col-md-4" %)
180 (((
181 (% style="text-align:center" %)
182 [[[[image:Paperplain.png||queryString="width=200&height=200" alt="5.1.png" class="img-rounded"]]>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Paperplane.WebHome]]
183 1: [[Paper Plane>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Paperplane.WebHome]]
184 )))
186 (% class="col-xs-6 col-md-4" %)
187 (((
188 (% style="text-align:center" %)
189 [[[[image:Rainbow1.png||queryString="width=192" alt="Rainbow copy.png" class="img-rounded" width="192"]]>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Rainbow.WebHome]]
190 2: [[Rainbow>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Rainbow.WebHome]]
191 )))
193 (% class="col-xs-6 col-md-4" %)
194 (((
195 (% style="text-align:center" %)
196 [[[[image:Cat.png||queryString="width=200" alt="Cat" class="img-rounded" width="200"]]>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Cat.WebHome]]
197 3: [[Cat>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Cat.WebHome]]
198 )))
200 (% class="col-xs-6 col-md-4" %)
201 (((
202 (% style="text-align:center" %)
203 [[[[image:5.1.png||queryString="width=200&height=200" class="img-rounded" width="194"]]>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Blossom.WebHome]]
204 4: [[Blossom>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Blossom.WebHome]]
205 )))
207 (% class="col-xs-6 col-md-4" %)
208 (((
209 (% style="text-align:center" %)
210 [[[[image:Clef.png||queryString="width=200&height=200" alt="Bird" class="img-rounded" width="200"]]>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Clef.WebHome]]
211 5: [[Clef>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Clef.WebHome]]
212 )))
214 (% class="col-xs-6 col-md-4" %)
215 (((
216 (% style="text-align:center" %)
217 [[[[image:Bird1.png||queryString="width=200&height=200" alt="Bird" class="img-rounded" width="200"]]>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Bird Introduction.WebHome]]
218 6: [[Bird>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Bird Introduction.WebHome]]
219 )))
220 )))
221 )))
222 )))
224 (% class="row" %)
225 (((
Stella170101 42.1 226 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8" %)
227 (((
Stella170101 101.1 228 (% class="box" %)
229 (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 230 = **Checklist Embroidery Tips** =
Stella170101 68.2 231
Stella170101 77.1 232
Stella170101 70.3 233 (% style="list-style-type:square" %)
Stella170101 68.2 234 * (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 235 For the running and triple stitch, you best choose a length between 5 and 20.
Stella170101 42.1 236 )))
Stella170101 68.2 237 * (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 238 Everywhere you want a beautiful, dense line to be stitched, a length of 1 for the zigzag stitch is recommended.
Stella170101 68.2 239 )))
240 * (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 241 For the zigzag's width, it is suggested to choose a number between 8 and 22.
Stella170101 68.2 242 )))
243 * (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 244 If you want to go to another position without wanting to stitch there, you will have to stop the current stitch before changing position.
Stella170101 68.2 245 )))
246 * (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 247 Sew up every time that means before and after changing position without stitching there. Therefore, read the "sew-up" tutorial. You can find it** **[[here>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Sew Up.WebHome]].
Stella170101 68.2 248 )))
249 * (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 250 Ensure that your design is not bigger than the size of the embroidery hoop. You can look upon [[this page>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Introduction To The World Of Embroidery.WebHome]], to identify its size.
Stella170101 68.2 251 )))
Stella170101 77.1 252
Veydzh3r 116.1 253 If you want to know why you have to consider all of this, check the page [[Get To Know The World Of Embroidery>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Introduction To The World Of Embroidery.WebHome]].
Stella170101 68.2 254 )))
255 )))
Stella170101 42.1 257 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4" %)
258 (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 259 [[[[image:5.1.png||queryString="width=400" class="img-rounded"]]>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Blossom.WebHome]]
Stella170101 104.2 260
Veydzh3r 116.1 261 [[You can find the tutorial here ~>~>>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Blossom.WebHome]]
Stella170101 42.1 262 )))
263 )))
Stella170101 53.1 264
265 (% class="row" %)
266 (((
Veydzh3r 116.1 267 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-3" %)
Stella170101 68.2 268 (((
vesna 91.1 269 [[[[image:Violinschlüssel_stitched.png||alt="Violinschlüssel" class="img-rounded"]]>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Clef.WebHome]]
Stella170101 104.2 270
Veydzh3r 116.1 271 [[You can find the tutorial here ~>~>>>doc:Education.Embroidery.Clef.WebHome]]
Stella170101 53.1 272 )))
Veydzh3r 116.1 274 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-9" %)
Stella170101 53.1 275 (((
Stella170101 101.1 276 (% class="box" %)
277 (((
Stella170101 73.1 278 = **Frequently Asked Questions** =
Stella170101 62.2 279
Veydzh3r 116.1 281 **What is "Embroidery Designer"?**
Stella170101 62.2 282
Veydzh3r 116.1 283 Embroidery Designer is a free visual programming app for smartphones. It enables you, without any prior knowledge, to create your own embroidery designs with easy to use bricks directly on your device. Do you want to know more about it? Visit [[https:~~/~~/wiki.catrobat.org/bin/view/Education/Embroidery/>>url:https://wiki.catrobat.org/bin/view/Education/Embroidery/]].
Stella170101 62.2 284
Stella170101 97.4 285
Veydzh3r 116.1 286 **Is it for free?**
Stella170101 62.2 287
Veydzh3r 116.1 288 Embroidery Designer is available for free on the Google Play Store and neither includes any ads nor any in-app purchases or other costs. Have fun with Embroidery Designer!
Stella170101 62.2 289
Veydzh3r 116.1 291 **How can I stitch my embroidery design?**
Stella170101 62.2 292
Veydzh3r 116.1 293 To stitch your embroidery design on fabrics, you will need to have access to a programmable embroidery machine. It is likely that there is a FabLab or an embroidery store in your nearby area which allows you to stitch your design on your clothes or any other arbitrary fabrics of your choice. However, our Embroidery Designer will enable you to export your created design in the DST file format, so you can make use of it on any machine which supports this file format. To learn more about supported, programmable embroidery machines, have a look at [[this page>>doc:Education.EmbroideryMachines.WebHome]].
Stella170101 62.2 294
Veydzh3r 116.1 296 **Who is behind Embroidery Designer?**
urakkatja 108.1 297
Veydzh3r 116.1 298 Embroidery Designer is developed by the non-profit "International Catrobat Association". More than 1000 people have already contributed to this Free Open Source Software project and thus helped to make coding as easy as possible. Get more information about Catrobat on [[catrobat.org>>https://www.catrobat.org]].
urakkatja 108.1 299
Veydzh3r 116.1 301 **How can I get in touch with you?**
Stella170101 97.4 302
Veydzh3r 116.1 303 If you have any further questions, or just want to write to us, please use the Social Media or Contact links at the social media section of this page!
Stella170101 97.4 304
Veydzh3r 116.1 306 **How can I support you?**
Stella170101 62.2 307
Veydzh3r 116.1 308 To make this project as popular as possible, please share it with your friends, family, or social media contacts.
Stella170101 62.2 309
Veydzh3r 116.1 310 If you want to get even more actively involved, e.g., by helping to translate our web pages, apps, or the poster in your language, please get in touch with us directly!
Stella170101 62.2 311
Veydzh3r 116.1 313 **How can I promote this project in my community?**
Stella170101 62.2 314
Veydzh3r 116.1 315 You are very welcome to share this website and reshare our social media postings!
Stella170101 53.1 316 )))
317 )))
Stella170101 62.2 318 )))
Stella170101 61.2 319
Stella170101 68.2 320
Stella170101 61.2 321 (% class="row" %)
322 (((
323 (% class="col-xs-12 col-sm-12" %)
324 (((
Stella170101 68.2 325 (% class="box" %)
Veydzh3r 116.1 326 Follow us on Social Media:
Stella170101 98.2 327 \\[[[[image:facebook.png]]>>https://www.facebook.com/CatrobatPocketCode]] [[[[image:twitter.png]]>>https://twitter.com/Pocket_Code]] [[[[image:87390.png]]>>https://www.instagram.com/_embroiderydesigner_/]] [[[[image:discord.png]]>>https://discord.com/invite/TerG3jf]]
Stella170101 61.2 328 )))
329 )))
Stella170101 97.5 330 )))