

sin(0) = 0

cos(0) = 1

tan(0) = 0

ln(1) = 0

log(1) = 0

pi = 3,14

sqrt(8) = 64

random(0,3), gives you a random number in the space from 0-3; random(2,3) gives you a random number in the space from 2-3

abs(-1) = 1

round(0.5) = 1

mod(7,2) = 1

arcsin(0) = 0

arccos(0) = 90

arctan(1)= 45


exp(0) = 1

power(2,3) = 8

floor(0.7) = 0

ceiling(0.3) = 1

max(0,1), gives you 1 because 1 is the maximum of 0 and 1. Try to combine this function with your data and variables

min(0,1), gives you 0 because 0 is the minimum of 0 and 1. Try to combine this function with your data and variables