Creates an if-else-query. If a specified events happen, it will continue the script there, otherwise beneath the else-brick.

If [value] is true then ... else ... Brick

"Else" will be created automatically.


"End if" will be created automatically and is always the last brick of the if-else-statement.



For this example you will need several different "Looks" for your object. A "Look" is the visual representation of a Object in a scene. You can think of it like a costume. Each object can have multiple costumes that represent different appearances or states. For example, a character might have different costumes for walking, jumping, or standing.

If [value] is true then ... else ... Example 1

If you touch the screen on the left side, it will show the previous look, else the next one.

If [value] is true then ... else ... Example 2

Note: When it gets to the top of the look list, it will continue at the end of the list.



If [value] is true then ... else ... Result