First bricks

1. Open existing object

At first, you need to open your program. In the last section we already created a new object. Now you can click on the object's name, after that you will see that there are already some bricks. Those bricks were created when we visually placed the object in the last step.

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2. Create new bricks

Now you can create more bricks by clicking on the yellow plus-button on the bottom right corner. You will see a new window giving you several categories for bricks.

  • Recently used
    • In this category you will find all bricks you have recently used.
  • Event
    • The event bricks can start a program. Every program needs an initializing event brick. Further you will find bricks for broadcasting messages here.
  • Control
    • In this section all control bricks are placed. You can use several loop bricks or for example a wait brick.
  • Motion
    • Here you will find all bricks which are responsible for moving objects. There are "place at" bricks or bricks like "change x" or "move 10 steps"
  • Sound
    • With this category you can add sounds to your program. You can change the volume and set the instrument to whatever you like.
  • Looks
    • With looks you have the ability to set the size of objects the way you like it or give an object just several looks, which can be changed.
  • Pen
    • An object can have a pen which follows the object when "Pen down" is activated. This lets you draw images inside a program.
  • Data
    • With data you can define your own variables. Maybe you need a counter variable, just created it here.
  • Device
    • In the device section you find several bricks which can access your device's informations. You can access the camera of the device or use the flashlight.
  • Your bricks
    • Here you can create your own new bricks. [recommended for advanced Pocket Code users only]

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For our first bricks, we want to use the "Glide 1 second to X: Y:" brick. You can find it in the motion category. With the Formula Editor you can edit the amount of seconds and the position X and Y.

Place the brick at the last position of your program and run your program for the first time. You can do that with the yellow play-button.

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3. Conclusion

You made it! You inserted your first bricks. Go back one step in the Wiki to learn how to upload and share your program.